Parent Groups
PTA Information
Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @manchestergatepta
Facebook: Manchester GATE School PTA
Membership dues are $10 and the link to join is here:
PTA Email:
Photos to be considered for the yearbook can be sent to:
Manchester PTA Facebook page:
Your PTA Sponsors:
Mini-Melodies; student scholarships; teacher grants; 6th grade breakfast; the Reflections contest; school directory; Science Olympiad teams; Science Night; Carnival; “Dine Out” Nights; Holiday Shoppe; Yearbook; Room Parent and Volunteer coordination, and more!
Safety Tips For Parents Make sure your child knows their safety is your number one concern. Always listen to your child. Children ages 3 and up should be taught their personal information, i.e., phone #, address, and how to dial 911.Instruct your child to never open the door to anyone. Information regarding family members’ schedules or whereabouts should never be given out over the phone. Have children use a buddy system and stick with friends when away from home. Set curfews for youth and demand a phone call if plans change. Instruct children to be cautious with strangers, but not fearful. If they feel uneasy tell them to run away to a public place and ask for help. Rehearse safety skills in the home.